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Call for Papers

Welcome to the 57th Annual AJS Conference Call for Papers!

Questions? Email Mary Arnstein
Submit your proposal now

Dear Colleagues,

I am delighted to issue the Call for Papers for the 57th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies.

This year’s conference will take place Sunday, December 14 through Tuesday December 16, 2025 in Washington DC, which will allow the conference to offer a wealth of cultural, historical, and social opportunities.

I hope you’re planning to submit your proposal to join us at the conference and share your work with Jewish Studies colleagues from around the globe. The sessions you propose are the heart of the conference, and we appreciate each of our members' investment in making the Annual Conference a stimulating and energizing gathering.

New this year!

  1. •     Presentation languages: Presenters/organizers will be able to present in either English or Hebrew.
  2. •     Interdisciplinary division structure: We are introducing eight new division categories that reflect members' research, encourage collaboration, and improve inclusivity and intellectual dynamism. (Learn more)
  3. •     Workshops: In this new session type, workshop conveners will spend approximately 30 minutes presenting the discussion topic or activity. The remainder of the time should be spent engaging with attendees in small groups. This new presentation format is designed to foster audience participation, discussion, and skill-building.
  4. •     Individual paper list: Members can log into the submission portal and view a list of submitted individual papers. Members can then reach out to these paper submitters to form panels. Alternatively, you can use the Form for Organizing Session Submissions if you need help identifying colleagues with whom you could collaborate to develop a proposal.
  5. •     Keywords: Submitters will be able to select keywords that describe their scholarship. This will enable decision-makers to form cohesive panels from individual paper submissions and will help conference registrants identify sessions most of interest to them.

All of the above changes are designed to help our members build community, engage in collective work, and feel empowered in the conference submission process.

This Call for Papers contains detailed information about types of sessions, the submission process, and subject area divisions. See the guide to start your submission process. Please reach out to Steering Committee members or Division Chairs if you need help identifying colleagues with whom you could collaborate to develop a proposal.

The deadline for submission of proposals is May 6 at 5:00 PM EDT. 

All submitters must be current AJS Individual Members for 2025.

If you have any questions about the program that are not covered in this Call for Papers, check out our FAQ. And please feel free to be in touch with me at Melinda Man will be happy to respond to any questions regarding membership and payment, while Mary Arnstein is available to assist with conference submission questions.


Helen Kim
VP for Program
Whitman College