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AJS Dissertation Writing Group

The deadline to apply has passed.

The AJS is pleased to offer an online dissertation writing program during the 2024–2025 academic year. All current AJS members (membership runs from January through December 2024) who are in the writing stage of their dissertations are eligible to apply. Based on the number of applications, we will divide PhD candidates into small writing groups where each member will commit to both sharing a draft of a dissertation chapter and providing comments on other members' drafts. All participants should commit to meeting approximately once a month during the fall and spring semesters. Once groups have been assigned, participants will arrange for their first meeting, at which point they will also determine the schedule for presenting work and the subsequent group meeting dates and times. While the AJS will attempt to match participants in similar fields and to accommodate all applicants, we cannot make any guarantees.

The deadline to apply is Friday, September 13, 2024.