AJS Committees
Board of Directors Executive Committee
- Laura Leibman (Reed College), President
- Helen Kim (Whitman College), Vice President/Program
- Hartley Lachter (Lehigh University), Vice President/Membership and Outreach
- Laura S. Lieber (University of Regensburg), Vice President/Publications
- Lila Corwin Berman (Temple University), Secretary/Treasurer
- Robin Judd (The Ohio State University), Immediate Past President
Contingent Faculty Committee
Contingent Faculty Task Force Report and Recommendations: A Path Toward a More Inclusive Field
- Adam Mendelsohn (University of Cape Town), cochair
- Rachel Greenblatt (Brandeis University), cochair
- Howard Apothaker
- Beth Cohen (California State University at Northridge)
- Barbara Krasner (William Patterson University)
- Rhoda Seidelman (University of Oklahoma)
- Daniel Z. Stein (Congregation B'nei Shalom)
- Amanda Ruppenthal Stein (Carroll University)
- Britt Tevis (University of Pennsylvania)
- Barry Trachtenberg (Wake Forest University)
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee
- Ari Ariel (University of Iowa), chair
- Adriana M. Brodsky (St. Mary's College of Maryland)
- Daniela Goldfine (University of Wisconsin - River Falls)
- Paul Gustav-Feller (Northwestern University)
- Michelle Katz (Reconstructionist Rabbinical College)
- Chelsie May (University of Chicago)
- Brian K. Roby (University of Michigan)
- Ilana Szobel (Brandeis University)
- Hannah Zaves-Greene (Sarah Lawrence College)
Film Committee
- Jim Bunton (Des Moines Area Community College), chair
- Daniela Goldfine (University of Wisconsin-River Falls)
- Phyllis Lassner (Northwestern University)
- Rachel Schaff (Mercer University)
Governance Committee
- Elias Sacks (University of Colorado Boulder), chair
- Monique Balbuena (University of Oregon), board representative
- Perry Dane (Rutgers University)
- Lauren Lockshin (Touro University)
- Anne Rothfeld (Independent Scholar)
- Jeffrey Wilson (Loyola Marymount University)
Nominating Committee
- Jason Kalman (Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion), chair
- Zachary Baker (Emeritus, Stanford University Libraries)
- Flora Cassen (Washington University)
- Hannah Zaves-Greene (University of Pennsylvania)
- Sarit Kattan Gribetz (Fordham University)
- Adam Mendelsohn (University of Cape Town)
- Tzvi Novick (University of Notre Dame))
Office on Sexual Misconduct (OSM)
OSM website
Program Committee
- Helen Kim (Whitman College), chair
- Mara Benjamin (Mount Holyoke College)
- Emilie Amar-Zifkin (McGill University)
- Yaron Ayalon (College of Charleston)
- Matt Boxer (Brandeis University)
- Savoy Curry (Northwestern University)
- Sheila Jelen (University of Chicago)
- Karolina Krasuska (University of Warsaw)
- Marjorie Lehman (Jewish Theological Seminary)
- Jacqueline Vayntrub (Yale University)
- Laura Yares (Michigan State University)
- Mary Arnstein (AJS), ex officio
- Warren Hoffman (AJS), ex officio
- Laura Leibman (Princeton University), ex officio
Scholars of Color Mentoring Fellowship Steering Committee
- Bryan Roby (University of Michigan – Ann Arbor), chair
- Lanitra Berger (George Mason University)
- Max Strassfeld (University Southern California)
- Rebecca Scharbach Wollenberg (University of Michigan – Ann Arbor)
- Amy Weiss (AJS), ex officio