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AJS Spring 2025 Mentorship Program

The deadline to apply has passed.

The Association for Jewish Studies invites early and mid-career scholars, graduate students, and individuals working or considering working outside of academia to participate in a semester-long mentorship program, running from February - June 2025. Mentees will be matched with a senior scholar to discuss various aspects related to career development and the publication process, among other potential topics. Mentees will meet with their mentors (virtually) approximately 2 - 3 times over the spring term.

The deadline to apply for the mentorship program is Friday, January 31, 2025. Applicants, who must be current 2025 AJS members, will have the opportunity to describe their interests in the mentorship program and to also suggest potential mentors. The AJS will attempt to match applicants with one of their preferred mentors, but based on availability, we may need to assign another mentor to the applicant or may not be able to assign all potential mentees to a mentor. Applicants should not contact potential mentors, as the AJS will make all the arrangements. Please note that mentors are not expected to read dissertation drafts or other work (unless they agree to this).

See below for the list of potential mentors. Click on their names to learn more about them and their work.

Contact Amy Weiss at with questions.