Please consult the relevant Proposal Submission Checklist(s) to ensure your proposal is ready for submission.
Questions? Email Mary Arnstein
▢ Are you a current AJS member? Co-authors must also be current AJS members.
▢ Do you have the following information prepared for your submission? (Required information is followed by an asterisk [*])
▢ Paper Title* (25 words or less)
▢ Paper Abstract* (350 words or less)
▢ Primary Division* - the full list of divisions is here
▢ Secondary Division
▢ Checklist* - You acknowledge that
▢ You have not submitted more than two proposals and that if you have submitted two proposals they are not both paper presentations (in other words, you cannot submit two papers, two panel presentations, two lightning round presentations, or one paper and participate as a presenter as part of a panel/lightning round).
▢ Your submission is in English.
▢ You have noted the language in which you will make your presentation (from among the choices of English or Hebrew).
▢ You have not previously published the paper or presented it in whole or part elsewhere.
▢ You are not an undergraduate student.
▢ Keywords from the provided list.
▢ MyAJS Login Credentials - you will need your username and password to log into the submission site
▢ Is every participant in your panel a current AJS member?
▢ Do you have the following information prepared for your submission? (Required information is followed by an asterisk [*])
▢ Panel Title* (25 words or less)
▢ Panel Abstract* (350 words or less)
▢ Paper 1 Title* (25 words or less)
▢ Paper 1 Abstract* (350 words or less)
▢ Paper 2 Title* (25 words or less)
▢ Paper 2 Abstract* (350 words or less)
▢ Paper 3 Title* (25 words or less)
▢ Paper 3 Abstract* (350 words or less)
▢ Panel Chair* - If you don't have a chair at the time of submission, you may edit your submission until May 6th to add this person.
▢ Panel Respondent - This is an optional role.
▢ Primary Division* - the full list of divisions is here
▢ Secondary Division
▢ Checklist* - The checklist requires you to acknowledge:
▢ That all panelists will be required to pay AJS membership. Participants must also pay the conference registration fee.
▢ The panel meets the minimum diversity requirement by having at least one presenter who does not identify as a cis-male.
▢ No one in your proposed session has submitted more than two proposals. If someone in your proposed session has submitted two proposals they are not both for presenting a paper (in other words, presenters cannot submit two papers, two panel presentations, two lightning round presentations, or one paper and participate as a presenter as part of a panel/lightning round).
▢ The chair isn't also a presenter on the same panel.
▢ This session has a diversity of academic ranks and institutional affiliations (and no one on the panel is an undergraduate student).
▢ None of the parts of the session have been previously published or presented in whole or in part elsewhere and are not sessions that summarize the proceedings of another conference.
▢ The session is not organized around recent publications.
▢ The proposed panel or paper is not a memorial or tribute session.
▢ The submission is in English.
▢ You have noted the language(s) in which presentations will be made (from among the choices of English or Hebrew).
▢ Keywords from the provided list.
▢ MyAJS Login Credentials - you will need your username and password to log into the submission site
▢ Is every participant in your roundtable a current AJS member?
▢ Do you have the following information prepared for your submission? (Required information is followed by an asterisk [*])
▢ Roundtable Title* (25 words or less)
▢ Roundtable Abstract* (350 words or less)
▢ Roundtable Moderator* - If you don't have a moderator at the time of submission, you may edit your submission until May 6th to add a member in this role.
▢ 3-5 Roundtable Discussants*
▢ Primary Division* - the full list of divisions is here
▢ Secondary Division
▢ Checklist* - The checklist requires you to acknowledge:
▢ That all session participants will be required to pay AJS membership. Participants must also pay the conference registration fee.
▢ The session meets the minimum diversity requirement by having at least one presenter who does not identify as a cis-male.
▢ No one in your proposed session has submitted more than two proposals.
▢ The moderator isn't also a presenter in the same session.
▢ This session has a diversity of academic ranks and institutional affiliations (and no one on the panel is an undergraduate student).
▢ None of the parts of the session have been previously published or presented in whole or in part elsewhere and are not sessions that summarize the proceedings of another conference.
▢ The session is not organized around recent publications.
▢ The proposed session is not a memorial or tribute session.
▢ The submission is in English.
▢ You have noted the language(s) in which presentations will be made (from among the choices of English or Hebrew).
▢ Keywords from the provided list.
▢ MyAJS Login Credentials - you will need your username and password to log into the submission site
▢ Is every participant in your lightning session a current AJS member?
▢ Do you have the following information prepared for your submission? (Required information is followed by an asterisk [*])
▢ Lightning Session Title* (25 words or less)
▢ Lightning Session Abstract* (350 words or less)
▢ Paper 1 Title* (25 words or less)
▢ Paper 1 Abstract* (350 words or less)
▢ Paper 2 Title* (25 words or less)
▢ Paper 2 Abstract* (350 words or less)
▢ Paper 3 Title* (25 words or less)
▢ Paper 3 Abstract* (350 words or less)
▢ Paper 4 Title* (25 words or less)
▢ Paper 4 Abstract* (350 words or less)
▢ Paper 5 Title* (25 words or less)
▢ Paper 5 Abstract* (350 words or less)
▢ Paper 6 Title (25 words or less)
▢ Paper 6 Abstract (350 words or less)
▢ Paper 7 Title (25 words or less)
▢ Paper 7 Abstract (350 words or less)
▢ Lightning Session Chair* - If you don't have a chair at the time of submission, you may edit your submission until May 6th to add a member into this role.
▢ Lightning Session Respondent - This is an optional role and is not recommended for sessions with 6-7 papers.
▢ Primary Division* - the full list of divisions is here
▢ Secondary Division
▢ Checklist* - The checklist requires you to acknowledge:
▢ That all session participants will be required to pay AJS membership. Participants must also pay the conference registration fee.
▢ The session meets the minimum diversity requirement by having at least one presenter who does not identify as a cis-male.
▢ No one in your proposed session has submitted more than two proposals. If someone in your proposed session has submitted two proposals they are not both for presenting a paper (in other words, presenters cannot submit two papers, two panel presentations, two lightning round presentations, or one paper and participate as a presenter as part of a panel/lightning round).
▢ The chair isn't also a presenter in the same session.
▢ This session has a diversity of academic ranks and institutional affiliations (and no one on the panel is an undergraduate student).
▢ None of the parts of the session have been previously published or presented in whole or in part elsewhere and are not sessions that summarize the proceedings of another conference.
▢ The session is not organized around recent publications.
▢ The proposed session is not a memorial or tribute session.
▢ The submission is in English.
▢ You have noted the language(s) in which presentations will be made (from among the choices of English or Hebrew).
▢ Keywords from the provided list.
▢ MyAJS Login Credentials - you will need your username and password to log into the submission site
▢ Is every participant in your session a current AJS member?
▢ Do you have the following information prepared for your submission? (Required information is followed by an asterisk [*])
▢ Performance/Scholarship Session Title* (25 words or less)
▢ Session Abstract* (350 words or less)
▢ Paper 1 Title* (25 words or less)
▢ Paper 1 Abstract* (350 words or less)
▢ Paper 2 Title (25 words or less)
▢ Paper 2 Abstract (350 words or less)
▢ Paper 3 Title (25 words or less)
▢ Paper 3 Abstract (350 words or less)
▢ Session Chair* - If you don't have a chair at the time of submission, you may edit your submission until May 6th to add a member in this role.
▢ Session Respondent - This is an optional role.
▢ Primary Division* - the full list of divisions is here
▢ Secondary Division
▢ Checklist* - The checklist requires you to acknowledge:
▢ That all session participants will be required to pay AJS membership. Participants must also pay the conference registration fee.
▢ The session meets the minimum diversity requirement by having at least one presenter who does not identify as a cis-male.
▢ No one in your proposed session has submitted more than two proposals.
▢ The Chair isn't also a presenter in the same session.
▢ This session has a diversity of academic ranks and institutional affiliations (and no one on the panel is an undergraduate student).
▢ None of the parts of the session have been previously published or presented in whole or in part elsewhere and are not sessions that summarize the proceedings of another conference.
▢ The session is not organized around recent publications.
▢ The proposed session is not a memorial or tribute session.
▢ The submission is in English.
▢ You have noted the language(s) in which presentations will be made (from among the choices of English, French, German, Hebrew, or Spanish).
▢ You have noted the time blocks in which the panel will be available to present, understanding that the conference will be scheduled in Eastern Time.
▢ Keywords - 8 words or fewer
▢ MyAJS Login Credentials - you will need your username and password to log into the submission site
▢ Is every participant in your seminar a current AJS member?
▢ Do you have the following information prepared for your submission? (Required information is followed by an asterisk [*])
▢ Seminar Title* (25 words or less)
▢ Seminar Abstract* (350 words or less)
▢ Seminar Chair* - If you don't have a chair at the time of submission, you may edit your submission until May 6 to add a member in this role.
▢ Primary Division* - the full list of divisions is here
▢ Secondary Division
▢ Checklist* - The checklist requires you to acknowledge:
▢ That all session participants will be required to pay AJS membership. Participants must also pay the conference registration fee.
▢ The session meets the minimum diversity requirement by having at least one presenter who does not identify as a cis-male.
▢ No one in your proposed session has submitted more than two proposals.
▢ The Chair isn't also a presenter in the same session.
▢ This session has a diversity of academic ranks and institutional affiliations (and no one on the panel is an undergraduate student).
▢ None of the parts of the session have been previously published or presented in whole or in part elsewhere and are not sessions that summarize the proceedings of another conference.
▢ The session is not organized around recent publications.
▢ The proposed session is not a memorial or tribute session.
▢ The submission is in English.
▢ You have noted the language(s) in which presentations will be made (from among the choices of English or Hebrew).
▢ Keywords from the provided list.
▢ MyAJS Login Credentials - you will need your username and password to log into the submission site
back to top >▢ Is every participant in your seminar a current AJS member?
▢ Do you have the following information prepared for your submission? (Required information is followed by an asterisk [*])
▢ Workshop Title* (25 words or less)
▢ Workshop Abstract* (350 words or less) that details the discussions/activities/theme or topic.
▢ Workshop participants* - 2-5 speakers that will provide an overview of topics to be discussed and may moderate breakout discussion groups
▢ Primary Division* - the full list of divisions is here
▢ Secondary Division
▢ Checklist* - The checklist requires you to acknowledge:
▢ That all session participants will be required to pay AJS membership. Participants must also pay the conference registration fee.
▢ The session meets the minimum diversity requirement by having at least one presenter who does not identify as a cis-male.
▢ No one in your proposed session has submitted more than two proposals.
▢ This session has a diversity of academic ranks and institutional affiliations (and no one on the panel is an undergraduate student).
▢ None of the parts of the session have been previously published or presented in whole or in part elsewhere and are not sessions that summarize the proceedings of another conference.
▢ The session is not organized around recent publications.
▢ The proposed session is not a memorial or tribute session.
▢ The submission is in English.
▢ Keywords from the provided list.
▢ MyAJS Login Credentials - you will need your username and password to log into the submission site
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