If you'd like to contact the board, please email board@associationforjewishstudies.org to send a message to the entire Executive Committee.
Request a letter of support from the board
Summaries of minutes from meetings of the AJS Board of Directors (member login required)
President's Report on Jewish Studies Scholars Israel Solidarity Trip
Laura Leibman
Reed College
Helen Kim
Whitman College
VP Program
Hartley Lachter
Lehigh University
VP Membership and Outreach
Laura S. Leiber
University of Regensburg
VP Publications
Lila Corwin Berman
New York University
Robin Judd
The Ohio State University
Immediate Past President
Victoria Aarons
Trinity University in San Antonio
Ari Ariel
University of Iowa
Monique Rodrigues Balbuena
University of Oregon
Elisheva Baumgarten
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jonathan Branfman
Stanford University
Krista Dalton
Kenyon College
Jodi Eichler-Levine
Lehigh University
Kirsten Fermaglich
Michigan State University
Alexandria (Xandi) Frisch
George Mason University
Gregg Gardner
University of British Columbia
Editor, AJS Review
Ex Officio
Jonathan Gribetz
Princeton University
Editor, AJS Review
Ex Officio
Warren Hoffman
Association for Jewish Studies
Ex Officio
Hannah Kosstrin
The Ohio State University
Phil Lieberman
Vanderbilt University
Laura Limonic
SUNY Old Westbury
Editor, AJS Perspectives
Ex Officio
Judith Liwerant-Bokser
Abigail H. Meyer
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bryan Roby
University of Michigan
Michael L. Satlow
Brown University
F.K. Schoeman
University of South Carolina
Editor, AJS Perspectives
Ex Officio
Adam Shear
University of Pittsburgh
Lauren Strauss
American University
Alan Verskin
University of Toronto