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[CFP Journal] Australian Journal of Jewish Studies

Call for Papers, Australian Journal of Jewish Studies, Volume XXXVII, 2024

The Australian Journal of Jewish Studies is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal published annually by the Australian Association for Jewish Studies. The Journal is devoted to the study of Jewish culture in all aspects and all periods (see the AAJS website for full scope).

The Journal’s editorial team is currently welcoming submission of manuscripts for consideration for the 2024 volume (XXXVII) of the Journal. This is an open-themed call: the editors welcome submission of papers based on original research up to 8,500 words, as well as book reviews up to 3,000 words, of relevance to the scope of the Journal.

Submission is open to any author worldwide. The publication language of the Journal is English. All responsibility for thorough academic English-language proofreading and editing lies with the author; papers with an insufficient level of English-language proficiency will unfortunately not be able to be submitted for peer review.

All research articles in the Journal undergo rigorous double-blind peer review. The Journal is indexed by EBSCO, and all papers since 2019 have been made fully available Open Access on the Journal’s website. For the 2024 volume, there is no article processing charge (APC) for publication in the Journal.

Submissions may be sent at any time, though to be considered for the 2024 volume your submission should be made by 17.00 GMT Thursday 28 June 2024. A style guide for submissions is directly accessible here.

For details on how to submit, please see  the AAJS website.