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[CFP Conference] 29th Annual Jewish American and Holocaust Literature (JAHLit) Symposium

Call for Papers and Panel Proposals

29th Annual Jewish American and Holocaust Literature (JAHLit) Symposium

Meeting 27-29 October 2024

The Betsy Hotel, Miami Beach

The JAHLit Symposium organizing committee welcomes individual and panel proposals that address the subjects of Jewish, Jewish-American, and Holocaust literature and culture. We are especially interested in critical and theoretical approaches to Jewish literature and film but these subjects are intended to be broadly conceived and could include:

  • New voices in Jewish American literature
  • Transnational Jewish literature
  • Jewish literature of the Americas
  • Holocaust literature
  • The Holocaust in film and television
  • New media including graphic novels and digital media

Early-career colleagues are especially encouraged to propose panels on topics in their research areas.

Individual paper proposals should be no longer than one double-spaced typed page and should be submitted with a short CV that contains contact information.

Organizers of complete panels should submit a cover sheet with the title of the panel, a brief description of the panel theme, the titles of each of the papers, and contact information for each presenter. The cover sheet should be followed by the three individual paper proposals and brief CVs. The organizer will serve as chair of the panel. No respondent is necessary.

The symposium will be in person only. Only individuals able to attend in person should submit proposals. Panel organizers should verify that each proposed panelist is able to attend in person.

Proposals should be emailed to Adam Goldwyn ( The deadline for submission of proposals is July 31, 2024.

Be sure to pay the registration fee of $175 online when you submit your proposal (non-US residents can pay on site).

The conference will begin Sunday evening and conclude Tuesday evening. A nightly conference rate at The Betsy will be offered at $429 (before taxes, but resort fees are waived) from 10/26-10/29—this is higher than years past but is still an extremely discounted rate. We encourage presenters to secure rooms (by phone—tell them you are with JAHLit) early as there are limited rooms at the conference rate. 

A less expensive option is the nearby Henrosa Hotel. Nightly rate for Oct 26 is $225; rate for Oct 27-29 is $155. The group code for use when booking is JAHLC2. This rate will expire October 7th. The rate does not include the daily resort fee of $32 per room per day that includes for all guests in that room, breakfast, beach towels, beach chairs. complimentary alkaline water bottles in room, 24/7 coffee, and wine tastings from 4-6 daily. You are also welcome to use all of the facilities at The Betsy as a conference attendee.

Other less expensive but still lovely alternatives nearby include Winter Haven Hotel and Blue Moon Hotel